About Us
Alpro is a German based chemical company with 25 years of experience in the field of infection control.
The driving force behind the success, experienced by Alpro lies in the uniqueness and effectiveness of their products, continuously supported by many independent studies conducted mostly by European universities and professional leaders in the field of infection control.
Alpro’s concerns about protection of the patients, safety of the personnel and protection of the environment, produced brand that is fully biodegradable, aldehydes and phenols free.
In the recent years Alpro became a global leader in the field of water decontamination and biofilm removing systems for DUWL, based on formulas free from metals and hydrogen peroxide compounds.
Alpro products are the best choices for practices concerned about the safety of the patience and protection of the environment from the harmful chemicals.
Alpro products are available in 24 countries and in Australia/NZ are exclusively distributed by Biodegree Pty Ltd.
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Biodegree Pty Ltd